Category: General, Installation, SimpleSYN Mobile, Version 1.x, Version 2.x

You need SimpleSYN Standard or SimpleSYN Business and also SimpleSYN Mobile.

With SimpleSYN Standard or Business you can synchronize Outlook between multiple Windows PCs. If you still want to synchronize mobile devices (smartphones, tablets), then you also need SimpleSYN Mobile.

With SimpleSYN Mobile you can synchronize Outlook on a Windows PC with up to 5 devices (smartphones, tablets).

Category: General, Version 5.x, Version 6.x

First, empty the Deleted Items folder in Outlook if you no longer need the items.

Also check in the SimpleSYN main window under “Options > Advanced Options” how the “Remove backed up items” selection is set under “Backup”. If the entry is set to “never”, then set a different selection (e.g. after 14 days). Save the changes.

The SimpleSYN backup folder in Outlook is then automatically reduced in size in the background and the old backups are deleted.

Category: Installation, SimpleSYN Mobile, Version 1.x, Version 2.x

SimpleSYN Mobile supports the following versions of Microsoft ® Windows ® and Outlook ®.

Requirements for the Windows PC hosting the installation:

  • Microsoft® Windows®
    • Windows® 11 (x86/x64)
    • Windows® 10, version 1909 or newer (x86/x64)
  • Microsoft® Outlook ®
    • Microsoft/Office 365® with Outlook® (x86/x64)
    • Outlook® 2021 (x86/x64)
    • Outlook® 2019 (x86/x64)
    • Outlook® 2016 (x86/x64)

Supports the classic Outlook for Windows, not the Outlook (new) app.

For the device you want to synchronize, the following requirements must be met:

  • Supports all smartphones and tablet computers based on:
    • Apple iOS, iPadOS version 12 or later 
    • Android version 8 and later

Please note:

  • An active internet connection is required. All devices must be turned on at the same time. Your Outlook data is not stored in the cloud.

Category: Installation, Version 6.x

SimpleSYN supports the following versions of Microsoft® Windows® and Outlook® 

  • Microsoft® Windows®
    • Windows® 11 (x86/x64)
    • Windows® 10, version 1909 or newer (x86/x64)
  • Microsoft® Windows® Server
    • Windows® Server 2019 (x86/x64)
    • Windows® Server 2016 (x86/x64)
  • Microsoft® Outlook®
    • Microsoft/Office 365® with Outlook® (x86/x64)
    • Outlook® 2021 (x86/x64)
    • Outlook® 2019 (x86/x64)
    • Outlook® 2016 (x86/x64)
    • Outlook® 2013 (x86/x64)

Supports the classic Outlook for Windows, not the Outlook (new) app.

Please note:

  • A active Internet connection is required during the synchronization (SimpleSYN Business and SimpleSYN Standard) and the Windiws PCs must be turned on at the same time. Your Outlook data is not stored in the cloud.
  • The Windows service is only available in the SimpleSYN business version. In the SimpleSYN standard version, a Windows user must be logged in to the computer for synchronization.
  • You cannot synchronize your Google calendar or iCloud data with SimpleSYN.

Category: Troubleshooting, Version 1.x, Version 2.x

Restart the Windows PC (do not click “Shut down” and then turn the PC back on, but click “Restart”).

If the behavior occurs again, please send us the log files.

SimpleSYN Mobile includes a built-in function for sending feedback and diagnostic data.

  1. Click on "Information" in the main window and click on "Feedback".
  2. In the next dialog, you can describe your problem and submit your message. The "Include diagnostic data" checkbox shouldbe checked so that we can analyze the problem in detail.

Category: Troubleshooting, Version 2.x

In the SimpleSYN Mobile application on the Windows PC, under “Options > advanced options”, change the value for the “http port”, e.g. instead of “9238” > “9240”.

Then click on the link “Click here to update Windows configuration” to adjust the changed configuration.

Restart SimpleSYN Mobile and create the SimpleSYN Mobile account on the smartphone again.