Category: Operation, Version 4.x, Version 5.x

If you want to exit SimpleSYN if Outlook is closed, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the SimpleSYN icon in the Windows notification area and choose “Exit”
  2. Close any Outlook window
  3. Open the SimpleSYN Add-In configuration file with a text editor like notepad. The configuration file can be found in:

    At Version 4:
    C:\Users\[User name]\AppData\Local\SimpleSYN\\[Outlook profile name].addin.config

    At Version 5:
    C:\Users\[User name]\AppData\Local\SimpleSYN\\[Outlook profile name].addin.config

  4. Add the following code in the section between <appSettings> and </appSettings>:
    <!-- SimpleSYN is exited when Outlook is being closed. -->
    <add key="AutoExitSimpleSyn" value="true" />
    <!-- SimpleSYN is started if the Add-In is being loaded. -->
    <add key="AutoStartSimpleSyn" value="true" />
  5. Open Outlook again.

Category: Troubleshooting, Version 4.x, Version 5.x

This message can be triggered by flawed Add-Ins from Third Party manufacturers. Outlook Add-Ins from Third Party manufacturers can hinder communication between SimpleSYN and Outlook.

Known problems: You may receive this message if you have the Apple Mobile Device Support Add-In installed, which is automatically installed by iTunes. The Add-in may make the PST file unusable for other applications when Outlook is shut down. Then SimpleSYN will also no longer be able to access the PST file.

To avoid the problem do not close Outlook while SimpleSYN is running.

If you are not using iTunes to synchronize an iPhone/iPod with Outlook, you could also deactivate the Add-in in Outlook.

Category: Purchase, Version 4.x, Version 5.x, Version 6.x

Please direct these questions to our payment partner Digital River GmbH (share-it!). 


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Category: Operation, Version 4.x, Version 5.x, Version 6.x

If a computer is not reachable over network or Internet, then the synchronization is carried out as soon as the computer is back in the network or online and SimpleSYN has established a connection with the SimpleSYN server.

All Outlook items that were changed or created up to that point are automatically recognized and synchronized by SimpleSYN.

Category: General, Version 4.x, Version 5.x, Version 6.x

Press on your server computer inside of SimpleSYN’s main window once the “Alt” key to open the main menu and choose the menu item “View > State Properties.

If you open the state database properties (Tab “General”) on the server, do you see any old client that is not synchronized anymore (you can see this from the last synchronization date)? 

If yes, please click on this client and click on “remove”. This will delete the status for the selected client will make some space available in the status database.

Category: Installation, Version 4.x, Version 5.x, Version 6.x

SimpleSYN requires an active internet connection for its operation. The internet connection is required to connect to a central server operated by SimpleSYN. This server is used to help in the establishment of a direct connection between the SimpleSYN server and SimpleSYN client. Only data required for establishing the connection is transferred via this central server. After establishing an connection, SimpleSYN uses the best connectivity available.

If SimpleSYN Business is used to synchronize via the Internet and it is impossible to create a direct connection between SimpleSYN server and SimpleSYN client, e.g. because of Firewalls NAT or Routers are blocking the direct connection, SimpleSYN uses a relay server as a last resort. This relay server allows SimpleSYN to communicate even if only outgoing traffic is allowed from your networks.

In either case the connection between SimpleSYN will always  use an SSL/TLS encryption respectively.

Your Outlook data is never transferred in clear-text nor stored permanently on our Internet servers (no Cloud).

Note: SimpleSYN only supports proxy servers as of version 5. In all previous versions, SimpleSYN must communicate with our servers located at services.simplesyn.net.

SimpleSYN requires the following outbound TCP connections.

For version 4:

9235, 9236,
Relay connections (Turn Server)
9235, 9236
49152 – 59152

Starting from version 5:

Server & Clients
Relay connections (Turn Server)
49152 – 59152

Category: Installation, Version 4.x, Version 5.x, Version 6.x

SimpleSYN is a Client-/Server application. In your SimpleSYN network one PC must be configured as a server. The SimpleSYN server must be authorized in the Windows Firewall and/or Desktop firewall.

Please make sure that SimpleSYN is allowed in your personal firewall.

SimpleSYN must communicate with our servers located at services.simplesyn.net.

SimpleSYN requires the following outbound TCP connections.

For version 4:

9235, 9236,
Relay connections (Turn Server)
9235, 9236
49152 – 59152

Starting from version 5:

Server & Clients
Relay connections (Turn Server)
49152 – 59152

Category: Installation, Version 4.x, Version 5.x, Version 6.x

You can easily upgrade Outlook (or Office). The previous version does not need to be uninstalled. SimpleSYN automatically detects the new Outlook version.

Install Outlook in the same bit version as the previous version, either in 32-bit or 64-bit.

If you want to install Outlook in a different bit version than the previous version, first uninstall SimpleSYN and reinstall SimpleSYN after the Outlook update.

Category: Installation, Version 4.x, Version 5.x, Version 6.x

SimpleSYN requires a unique configuration and a unique certificate for each PC.

SimpleSYN must be completely reset to one of the clients. Then SimpleSYN can be reinstalled and set up.

Follow these steps:

  • Uninstall SimpleSYN first under the Windows Control Panel "Programs / Features" or under Apps on Windows 10
  • Then enter the following line in Windows Explorer:
  • Find the folder SimpleSYN here and delete this folder.

Then delete the SimpleSYN certificate as follows:

  • Open the Internet Explorer
  • Go to "Internet Options"
  • Click the "Content" tab
  • Click on "Certificates"
  • In the next window under "Display name" search for the SimpleSYN entries, mark the respective entry and click on "Remove"

Then you can reinstall SimpleSYN and set it up again. The initial synchronization will be run once again.

Category: Troubleshooting, Version 4.x, Version 5.x, Version 6.x

Open the SimpleSYN options > advanced options and under “Outlook version” select your current Outlook version (2016 or 2013).  Save the settings and restart SimpleSYN.

If the behavior still occurs:

  • Please uninstall SimpleSYN on this computer from the Windows control panel > program/features and install SimpleSYN once again

If the behavior still occurs:

Category: Operation, Version 4.x, Version 5.x, Version 6.x

The SimpleSYN business version can be started by a Windows service. If the option "Start as Windows service" is activated in the advanced options, then SimpleSYN automatically starts in the background when the Windows starts, without a Windows user having to log on to the system.

The SimpleSYN standard version 4 and all older versions do not support Windows service. The synchronization takes place here only if a user is logged on to the computer and SimpleSYN is executed.

Category: Troubleshooting, Version 4.x, Version 5.x, Version 6.x

Please make a Outlook repair installation on this computer. Please follow this instruction:

Important: choose a full online Outlook repair installation and NOT a quick repair.

Category: Troubleshooting, Version 5.x, Version 6.x

Open the SimpleSYN main window> Options> advanced options on the PC.

Check the box next to "Enable Outlook Add-In" and save the page.

Then restart SimpleSYN.

Otherwise, check once in Outlook under File> Slow and deactivated COM add-ins whether in this area the add-in has been deactivated and reactivate the add-in if necessary.

Category: Operation, Version 5.x, Version 6.x

E-Mail folders of IMAP accounts (eg Inbox or sent objects) are hidden in the "Synchronization settings", since IMAP already keeps the e-mail folders in sync (IMAP is server-based).

You can use SimpleSYN for all other local folders such as calendars, contacts, tasks, notes, etc.

If you also want to synchronize e-mail folders with SimpleSYN, then use a POP3 account on all PCs.